Cookie Policy

This site uses cookies — small text files that are pla­ced on your machi­ne to help the site pro­vi­de a bet­ter user expe­rien­ce. In gene­ral, cookies are used to reta­in user pre­fe­ren­ces, sto­re infor­ma­tion for things like shop­ping carts, and pro­vi­de ano­ny­mi­sed trac­king data to third par­ty appli­ca­tions like Google Ana­ly­tics. As a rule, cookies will make your brow­sing expe­rien­ce bet­ter. Howe­ver, you may pre­fer to disa­ble cookies on this site and on others. The most effec­ti­ve way to do this is to disa­ble cookies in your brow­ser. We sug­gest con­sul­ting the Help sec­tion of your brow­ser or taking a look at the Abo­ut Cookies websi­te which offers guidan­ce for all modern browsers
